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ScotiaBank Benefits from Compliance, Insights, and Self-Service

Type: Videos
Topic: Industry Testimonials


ScotiaBank has benefited in several ways:

  1. Centralized Repository: We now have a centralized repository, our “one source of truth,” for all CASL-related data.
  2. Measuring Opt-Outs: This system allows us to measure and monitor where our opt-out or unsubscribe requests are coming from. This insight helps our businesses prioritize the types of communications they send to customers based on their interest levels.
  3. Digital Preference Management: Unique to us as a financial institution in Canada, we’ve enabled not only our frontline staff to manage customer preferences, which they’ve always done, but we’ve also digitized the tool. This allows customers to manage their preferences on their mobile devices or desktops. We’re seeing a significant number of customers self-servicing their preferences, which is exactly what we aimed for.

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